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TORNADO Jets des Jagdbomber-/TaktLw. Geschwader 31, Nörvenich

Das JaboG 31 "Boelcke", mit seinem Standort Nörvenich (Flugplatz)/Kerpen (Kaserne) ist das älteste Jagdbombergeschwader der Bundesluftwaffe.
Im April 1961 erhält das junge Geschwader, im Andenken an das Fliegerass des Ersten Weltkrieges Hauptmann Oswald Boelke, den Traditionsnamen "Boelcke" verliehen. Über die Waffensysteme F-84F "Thunderstreak" (1957-1961) und F-104G "Starfighter" (1961-1983) erfolgt 1983 die Umrüstung auf das Waffensystem Panavia PA 200 "Tornado" in der IDS (Interdictor Strike) Version.
Mehrfach leistete das Geschwader im Laufe seiner Geschichte Pionierarbeit: es wurden die Waffensysteme PA 200 "TORNADO" und F-104 "Starfighter" erstmals hier in Dienst gestellt und das JaboG 31 hat mit Beginn des Jahres 2001 federführend in der Luftwaffe die Fähigkeit zum Einsatz von Präzisionswaffen mit dem Tornado hergestellt.
Inzwischen zum TaktLwG 31 umbenannt, hat das Geschwader auf den Eurofighter umgerüstet.
FBW 31 Tornado IDS 43+25 Norm 95
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story Like the name of the comouflage "Norm 95" expresses, was it in 1995 introduced to the german Tornados. In its origins the Tornado was built for lowest level high speed terrain following missions in a central Europe scenario and for that the dark green and black camouflage expressed in Norm 83B/C was an optimized colour scheme. But with the upcoming support for the combat missions in the former jugoslvia a totally new mission profile was developing which urged the crews to fly in medium to high altitude szenarios. Because of that, selected Tornado jets were repainted beginning with those from ECR Wing 32 in Lechfeld and RECCE wing 51 in Schleswig which provided the aircraft for CW (Combat Wing) 1 in Piacenza, Italy. Out of this measure the new Norm 95 camouflage was introduced to the german Luftwaffe. Since June 2010 when the last one left for Büchel airbase, home of FBW 33, there are no more Tornados at FBW 31. FBW 31 has converted to the new Eurofighter.

FBW 31 Tornado IDS 43+25 Norm 95 Paveway GBU-24
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story The GBU-24 is a high precission LASER guided bomb derived from the Paveway series. Its development goes back to the year 1965 and was initiated by Texas Instruments after the Bell Laboratories had developped the necessary LASER. The first successful applications of this weapon were achieved after enormous failures in e.g. Beirut 1983, in 1986 during the attack of Libya after the Lockerby terrorist attacks. Later in the golf wars the americans had spectacular success with the laser guided bunker busters. Since June 2010 there are no more Tornados at FBW 31 when the last one left for Büchel airbase, home of FBW 33. FBW 31 has converted to the new Eurofighter.

FBW 31 Tornado IDS 44+00 30 years FBW 31 Special Paint
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story Like most german Luftwaffe wings is also FBW 31 from Nörvenich (situated between Cologne and Aachen near the dutch border) allowed to paint an aircraft for its 30th anniversary. What comes out is quite OK, although not nearly as colorful as the 'colorful cow' of FBW 32 in Lechfeld to the same event. Fighterbomberwing 31 "Boelke" is Luftwaffe's oldest wing. It was already established as a flying squadron (today's first squadron 311) in 1957 in Büchel, another german military airfield to the south of Nörvenich and moved 1958 to Nörvenich where it was given a second squadron and named a wing then.

FBW 31 Tornado IDS 44+77 40 years 312 ALMA Special Paint
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story For the celebrations of their 40th anniversary was the 312 sqadron once again allowed to paint a Tornado IDS jet in a special scheme. In contrary to the other squadron of FBW 31, do the 321 ALMAs create spectacular special paints on a regular base.

FBW 31 Tornado IDS 45+56 ex Navy scheme
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story Shown on this print is TORNADO IDS 45+56 from former Fighterbomberwing 31 in Nörvenich, with external wing tanks (only one visible) and Cerberus C-III EW POD. Like all german TORNADO wings is also  FBW 31 supplied with jets of the german out of service naval airwings from Eggebek and Schleswig. In most times these jets belonged to the lastest batches of TORNADO production and were pretty new and modern. The painters though, did not a thorough job when adapting the camouflage to the ones used in the Luftwaffe and you can easily recognize these jets - especially in the area of the air intakes - because of the blue touch around the green and grey Luftwaffe colours.A similar jet from FBW 32

FBW 31 Tornado IDS 45+95 Norm 83B
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story This print shows fighterbomber TORNADO IDS 44+95 of FBW 31 from Nörvenich in the colors of norm 83B camouflage togther with a for normal training flights used configuration of 2 underwing tanks, chaff and flare dispenser BOZ-101 (not visible on starboard side), EW POD "Cerberus III" (C-III) and a so called "captive" Air-to-Air missile AIM--9Li "Sidewinder". Since June 2010 there are no more Tornados at FBW 31 when the last one left for Büchel airbase, home of FBW 33. FBW 31 has converted to the new Eurofighter.

FBW 31 Tornado IDS 45+95 Norm 83B GBU-24
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story The GBU-24 is a high precission LASER guided bomb out of the Paveway series. Its developement goes back to the year 1965 and was initiated by Texas Instruments after the Bell Laboratories had developped the necessary LASER. The first successful applications of this weapon were achieved after enormous failures in e.g. Beirut 1983, in 1986 during the attack of Libya after the Lockerby terrorist attacks. Later in the golf wars the americans had spectacular success with the laser guided bunker busters. Since June 2010 there are no more Tornados at FBW 31 when the last one left for Büchel airbase, home of FBW 33. FBW 31 has converted to the new Eurofighter.

FBW 31 Tornado IDS 45+95 Norm 83B with multipurpose weapon MW-1
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story The multi-purpose weapon MW-1 comprises 4 containers with overall 112 tubes from which the so called sub munition is shot out in 90 degrees to the heading of the airplane. This weapon was constructed for application out of high speed low level flight. The following sub-munitions are available for the MW-1: small hollow explosive charge (KB-44) double flat mine (MIFF) multi splitter explosive (MUSA) runway bombs (STABO) The whole MW-1 is filled either with one kind of submunition or a mix of it. The only sub-munition not being mixed is the runway bomb STABO. Since June 2010 there are no more Tornados at FBW 31 when the last one left for Büchel airbase, home of FBW 33. FBW 31 has converted to the new Eurofighter.

With Pilotennames on the cockpit rail (price additional to the print)
What is more or less standard on US Airforce jets - the names of the crew on the cockpit rail - can be found on german jets only now and then, namely on birds with special paintings for special events. That there are names under the canopy does not mean that this bird is only flown by this crew or pilot, but it is a great honour for the pilots to find his name on a jet of his wing. For little more money you can have your name(s) being printed on this special place e.g. as a special gift for a special friend or just as a gag for you. Just order this extra feature as an extra article and specify in the info-box of the ordering process which name(s) you like to have at what place beneath the cockpits. One last thin: the larger the print is, the better and more impressive the writings can be seen (see also our big size prints in A2 and A1). Please specify in the input box above what names and ranks you want to display!
