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FBW 31 Tornado IDS 45+95 Norm 83B GBU-24

Product information "FBW 31 Tornado IDS 45+95 Norm 83B GBU-24"

High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions.

Background story

The GBU-24 is a high precission LASER guided bomb out of the Paveway series. Its developement goes back to the year 1965 and was initiated by Texas Instruments after the Bell Laboratories had developped the necessary LASER. The first successful applications of this weapon were achieved after enormous failures in e.g. Beirut 1983, in 1986 during the attack of Libya after the Lockerby terrorist attacks. Later in the golf wars the americans had spectacular success with the laser guided bunker busters.

Since June 2010 there are no more Tornados at FBW 31 when the last one left for Büchel airbase, home of FBW 33. FBW 31 has converted to the new Eurofighter.