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Das Jagdbombergeschwader 34 wurde am 29. November 1958 in Nörvenich aufgestellt und im gleichen Jahr nach Faßberg verlegt, wo es die ersten Flugzeuge vom Typ Republic F-84F „Thunderstreak“ erhielt. Im April 1959 erhielt der Verband seinen endgültigen Standort, den Fliegerhorst Memmingerberg, der vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg errichtet und nach Aufstellung der Bundeswehr durch die Flugzeugführerschule „S“ zur Transportflieger- und Hubschrauberausbildung sowie zur Blindflugschulung genutzt worden war. Die offizielle Indienststellung des Geschwaders unter ihrem ersten Kommodore Carl-Heinz Greve erfolgte am 5. Mai 1959 im Beisein von Verteidigungsminister Franz Josef Strauß und des Inspekteurs der Luftwaffe, Generalleutnant Josef Kammhuber. Am 1. Oktober des gleichen Jahres erfolgte die NATO-Assignierung des Verbands.

Das Ende des Geschwaders wurde im Zuge der Einnahme der Luftwaffenstruktur 5 am Ende des Jahres 2000 beschlossen. Am 31. Dezember 2002 wurde der Einsatzflugbetrieb offiziell eingestellt. Am 30. Juni 2003 erfolgte die endgültige Außerdienststellung. Der Fliegerhorst Memmingerberg, auf dem das Jagdbombergeschwader stationiert war, wurde im darauf folgenden Jahr aufgelöst und wird inzwischen zivil als regionaler Flughafen Memmingen (auch Allgäu Airport) genutzt.

FBW 34 Memmingen - Tornado IDS 43+86 Navy Camouflage
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story Shown on this print is TORNADO IDS 44+56, with external tanks and C-III EW POD.Like all german TORNADO wings was also the former FBW 32 from Memmingen supplied with jets of the german out of service Navy Wings from Eggebek and Schleswig. In most times these jets belonged to the lastest batches of TORNADO production and were pretty new and modern. The painters though, did not a thorough job when adapting the camouflage to the ones used in the Luftwaffe and you can easily recognize these jets - especially in the area of the air intakes - because of the blue touch around the green and grey Luftwaffe colours. Symbolic a jet of FBW 32 with the identical colouring:

FBW 34 Memmingen - Tornado IDS 44+43 Norm 83C
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story Former FBW 34, Memmingen, TORNADO IDS 44+43, in norm 83C camouflage colors, equipped with AIM-9Li air-to-air missile, external wing tanks and C-III EW POD.

FBW 34 Memmingen - Tornado IDS 44+43 Norm 83C with MW-1
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story The multi-purpose weapon MW-1 comprises 4 containers with overall 112 tubes from which the so called sub munition is shot out in 90 degrees to the heading of the airplane. This weapon was constructed for application out of high speed low level flight. The following sub-munitions are available for the MW-1: small hollow explosive charge (KB-44) double flat mine (MIFF) multi splitter explosive (MUSA) runway bombs (STABO) The whole MW-1 is filled either with one kind of submunition or a mix of it. The only sub-munition not being mixed is the runway bomb STABO.

FBW 34 Memmingen - Tornado IDS 44+56 'Last Call' special paint
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story For each wing it is something special to paint one of their jets in a special scheme because of an even anniversary or other special event. Unfortunately this special event can also be a very sad though very memorable thing if e.g. it was decided by politics to put the wing out of service. With the coloring of IDS 44+56 in 2002 it is sad reality that the long serving FBW 34 from Memmingen will close its gates forever. December 19 2002 TORNADO IDS 44+56 with its special paint leaves as the very last jet the NATO airfield "Memmingerberg". "Jet Noise - the sound of freedom" - has become part of the past. Once more in Germany. The "Last Call" jet flying formation with a monster jet of Lechfeld 322 Monsters.

FBW 34 Memmingen - Tornado IDS 45+57 Norm 83B
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story This print shows fighterbomber TORNADO IDS 44+57 of former FBW 34 from Memmingen in the colors of norm 83B camouflage togther with a for normal training flights used configuration of 2 underwing tanks, chaff and flare dispenser BOZ-101 (not visible on starboard side), EW POD "Cerberus III" (C-III) and a so called "captive" Air-to-Air missile AIM-9Li "Sidewinder".

FBW 34 Memmingen - Tornado IDS 46+01 special paint '40 Years'
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story For all flying wings in German Airforce "Luftwaffe" it has become good beloved tradition to paint one of their jets in a special scheme for even anniversaries, even number of flying hours, Tiger Meets, or other special events. To their official 40-year anniversary FBW 34 from Memmingen colored TORNADO IDS 46+01. After more than 12 years following the transition from F-104G "Starfighter" to the TORNADO this was the first special painted TORNADO. It - the special paint - reflected the unity between the wing and the wonderful landscape around it, the landscape called "Allgäu" in german. The next "coloured cow" which was to follow in 2002 was unfortunately also the last one. It was 44+56 the so called "Last Call" jet.

With Pilotennames on the cockpit rail (price additional to the print)
What is more or less standard on US Airforce jets - the names of the crew on the cockpit rail - can be found on german jets only now and then, namely on birds with special paintings for special events. That there are names under the canopy does not mean that this bird is only flown by this crew or pilot, but it is a great honour for the pilots to find his name on a jet of his wing. For little more money you can have your name(s) being printed on this special place e.g. as a special gift for a special friend or just as a gag for you. Just order this extra feature as an extra article and specify in the info-box of the ordering process which name(s) you like to have at what place beneath the cockpits. One last thin: the larger the print is, the better and more impressive the writings can be seen (see also our big size prints in A2 and A1). Please specify in the input box above what names and ranks you want to display!
