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FBW 38 (a.D.) Jever - Tornado IDS 43+94 Norm 95

Product information "FBW 38 (a.D.) Jever - Tornado IDS 43+94 Norm 95"

High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions.

Background story

Shown is TORNADO IDS 43+94 from former FBW 38 with norm 95 camouflage color. The aircraft is shown in the normal peacetime configuration for trainingsflights with Cerberus C-III electronic jammer on the left outside wing station, external wing tanks on the inside wing station and a captive (not flyable, but with all electronics) air-to-air anti-aircraft missile AIM-9L (i) SIDEWINDER.